
Abortion is a major issue for Election 2024

Donald Trump has been called the most pro-life president in recent history. This may be troubling to those who feel that choosing an abortion is a woman’s right. If that’s you, please read the following with an open mind. On the other hand, many Christians (mainly Catholics) believe that human life begins at conception, and that Trump is not truly pro-life. We know from the Bible that a baby has a living soul before birth, as the New Testament says John the Baptist’s soul “leapt for joy” while he was in his mother’s womb, at the presence of Jesus. Whether the soul is present from the moment of conception or not, will not be debated in this short article.

Kamala Harris has said that Trump will take away women’s rights, and that the government shouldn’t have anything to say about what women do with their bodies. This argument for some reason didn’t apply when democrat leaders compelled women to take MRNA vaccines, even threatening loss of employment if they did not comply with the government’s edict. And, although it has been labeled “misinformation” by the far left, the inventors say the the MRNA “vaccines” did more harm than good, and even the CDC listed tens of thousands of adverse reactions including blood clots and complications with pregnancies (quite ironic I think). Kamala says that Trump will institute a national abortion ban; Trump says it should be up to the states.

Kamala has also said that Trump will ban IVF (invitro fertilization) and Gov. Waltz claimed that he had a baby because of IVF. Trump has repeatedly said he will not ban IVF, and was president for 4 years and did not ban IVF. Gov. Waltz, it turns out, did not have a baby by IVF – he just has a “folksy way of speaking”.

The main argument related to abortion, years ago, was all about when does life begin? It must be observed that this argument has been completely abandoned by the far left (at least by the far left leaders). Gov. Waltz signed a revised abortion bill for Minnesota, which removed the requirement that a baby born alive, must be kept alive. Although this has been repeatedly contradicted by the far left news media, one need only look at the two bills (the one signed by Gov. Waltz, and the prior bill) to see the difference. Also, in states that have tried to pass legislation requiring doctors to keep babies alive that are born alive (but were slated for abortion) such “Born Alive” bills have been opposed by the democrat leaders. They can no longer credibly argue, therefore, that it matters when life begins.