This will be a religio-political think-tank … still looking for people who think!
OK, starting as more of a blog .. with hope to evolve.
Statement of Faith:
We believe in one God and one Savoir, the Lord Jesus Christ
We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God
We believe people who violate certain biblical codes fall under God’s judgement
We believe that God will judge all people on a last day and that all men fall short
We believe that Jesus Christ lived without sin and submitted to a death He did not deserve
We believe that Jesus died in the place of all who are willing to receive Him
We believe that the United States affords freedom of worship to all because it is (or was started as) a Christian Nation
We believe that America’s founding documents guarantee freedom of religion and freedom of speech to all monotheists*
*Note that the declaration of independence says we recognize that our rights come from “A Creator”
Note: We are NOT a Tax-Exempt “non-profit”*
*We will operate “not for profit” but will not be legally classified “non-profit” to avoid religious vs. political definitions and state or federal regulations relating thereto
Is Christianity Socialist? – a Bible-based editorial
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